Roberto Silva Ortiz (1984, Longbranch New Jersey) is a multi-disciplinary visual artist hailing from San Juan, Puerto Rico.

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From an early age, his passion and precocious talent were recognized and rewarded; while attending the top visual arts high school, one of the foremost painters in Puerto Rico took him as an apprentice at age 17. A year later, he would receive a scholarship to study printmaking in Cuba, thus setting him and his work on a path that would expand far beyond the confines of the Caribbean island he calls home.

Drawing much inspiration and vitality from his travels, Roberto moved from Cuba to the Canary Islands, to Barcelona, to Norway, and New York - leaving a string of exhibitions in his wake. His body of work chronicles the many twists and turns in his life, while his fluid talent allows him a seamless evolution of subject matter, style, and medium. A deep reverence for the Masters and Classical Art mixes with his effortless confidence with color to create a visual vocabulary that is both contemporary and timeless. The curiosity with which he approaches themes of modernity and antiquity resonate not only through his images but through his process; it is a dialogue that spans centuries, a conversation of gentle contradictions. While oil painting is his first language, he is fluent in lithography, monotype, screen-printing, drawing, and illustration.

He currently lives and works in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

ES: +34 622 882 289

PR: +1 (787) 405 0037